Provided by Hyotan Group, Hitachi City
"Suwa no Mizu Ana" (A limestone cave in Suwa-cho)
November, 2016 
  There is a limestone cave at the foot of Mt. Fugen-Dake, Taiheida, Suwa-cho. The cave is named as Mizu Ana(Water Cave) for the wind cave in the vicinity. It is also called "Shinsen-Do" (the cave of God Fountain). The divided spirit of Suwa Taisha in Shinshu (Nagano)is enshrined and it is said that the cave is linked to Shinshu.
  According to a legend, a long time ago, a lot of residents of the village were lost or missing in the Mizu Ana. When a Shinto priest called Mannen Dayu heard this problem, he entered the cave for research but never came back.
  Mitsukuni Mito also entered the Mizu Ana and ordered never to go into the cave further. The Mizu Ana of Suwa became popular owing to introduction of scholars and literary men of Mito Feudal.
  After World War the second, the Mizu Ana was buried under soil and sand for 30 years from the construction of a dam at the lower reaches of the river. But the Mizu Ana recovered its beauty by the strong drawback movements of the residents.
  We hope that the cave is forever maintained as a Natural Treasure and Natural Site of Scenic Beauty.

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