Cultural Exchange Society of Hitachi & Asia


  The economical growth of Asian countries especially in China has been remarkable recently. It is said that the 21st century will become the age of Asia. In the current trend of rapid internationalization we have come to see more students and workers with their family from Korea, China, and other various countries in this city. At the time we celebrated the 25th memorial of the Treaty of Friendship between Japan and China in 1997, Hitachi City also had some commemorating events. Taking this opportunity, the City continued to introduce the cultures of other Asian countries. A gCultural Exchange Society of Hitachi & Asiah was founded to promote the mutual understanding between Japan and those countries through joining events and developing various opportunities among more citizens.
 The first five years (1997-2001), the society mainly made efforts to introduce one country for the year through the public performance of their old folk music or dances, exhibitions of pictures or handicrafts, specialistsf lectures and so on. In 1998, Korea was introduced. They offered Korean language classes. In 1999, they held the panel exhibition to arouse public opinion about land mines. These activities show us the extensive vision of the society.
  Standing on the fruit of those five years, it was clear that a direct exchange amongst people should be promoted in the next three years (2002-2004). In 2002 they had a gFriendship Talk in Hitachi for Uniting the Worldh. It ended successfully and left a seed for gInternational Festival in Hitachih held in the following year under the joint auspices of other International Exchange groups. In this festival, people from various countries got together and introduced their culture in their own way. Many people who took part in this event were able to happily gain new knowledge and have exchanges with people from overseas. They are convinced that the warm feeling they had then was really the first step of mutual understanding. The festival was also held in 2004. In 2005, it will be held on 16th to 20th of November at Hitachi Civic Center (19th is the main day).
  In 2005 the society aims at preparing a network among more citizens to get them to participate in these activities, and of course the usual action to understand Asian countries will also continue. In order to realize the above purposes, members are now enjoying their work in the following five groups:
1. Cooking Salon
2. Research and Inspection
3. Lecture
4. Public Information and Network
5. Coordinating International Festival
They are working to plan and carry out each event throughissuing PR pamphlets or making homepages to promote the network.
  Thanks to the membersf devotion, so far there have been many participants taking part in these events. It is hoped that these participants, especially young foreigners, will continue to have cultural exchanges with one another for the benefit of the future. Members of the society say that they must find a way for the young to easily join as members. Preparing a network for about 1400 foreigners in Hitachi is also their dream. Their vision for the future is sound and big.
  More than 240 members are registered. If you have a dream to realize an ideal Hitachi in the future through working with cross-cultural exchange, the society will welcome you. A membership fee is not needed now. The office is in Civic Center. Tel.:0294-24-7711

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