Tauranga Boys College Hitachi Tour 2004

  15 boys from Tauranga, New Zealand visited Hitachi from July 15 to 23 after having spent 4 days in Tokyo. During their home-stay, they participated in several activities such as group discussion at Hitachi Senior Technical School(日専校)and Hitachi The Second Senior High School(日立二高),Zen meditation at Kyotokuji Temple and a factory tour at Hitachi, Ltd. besides the sightseeing in Hitachi city.
  Through the questionnaire by Hyotan, we found out the followings: The top 5 of their favorite food are Sushi, Onigiri(rice ball), Miso soup, Tempura, Curry & rice. The disagreeable food is Sashimi, Natto, Umeboshi, Wasabi and Tofu. They were a little bit shocked with the uniform of extreme short skirt of Hitachi The Second Senior High School students. They have expected experiencing traditional Japanese style life before coming but they learned the present Japanese living style was much westernized. To the question ‘What is the most interesting and special things during their stay?’ they answered, Home-stay, Disney Land and Akihabara Shopping Area. They also pointed out the kindness of people and the cleanness in the streets and the beaches. Some of them are wishing to come back again to Hitachi.

(Top of Hyotan)       (home)

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